In the autumn of 2018, the incoming mission of Brazilian entrepreneurs took place in the Czech Republic. The mission was organized in cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and the Consulate Honorary from the state of Santa Catarina.
In the autumn of 2018, the incoming mission of Brazilian entrepreneurs took place in the Czech Republic. The mission was organized in cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and the Consulate Honorary from the state of Santa Catarina. Ricardo Stodeick also participated on this mission. It was thee second time, we met with a person responsible for aquiring a spot at the Beer Festival in Blumenau, which we visited in 2018, during our stay in Brazil. Currently we aim to participate at this expo ourselves.
During the mission we had the chance to present our services when it comes to delivering a complete technology for microbreweries as well as the brand new concept of «Czech crown Restaurants». We believe that our presentation was interesting to the visitors and we will be a suitable candidates to participate at the expo in 2019 and to present our technologies and the Czech beer culture.